Words by Adriana Mercedes Padilla and Sol Fonseca
Lately, marijuana has been popping around everywhere. At first, it began as landscape views of dispensaries near our homes. Soon enough, the phenomenon is turning into a mass-production of novelty products integrating cannabis into their pitch. As women, the Internet targets us and sticks advertisements all over our desktops of products known for their feminine aesthetic. As I caught up with my daily online news, I began to notice the abundance of feminine products integrating marijuana branded towards a more accepting group of girls and women. Have you ever stumbled upon diet pills infused with marijuana? It is a cringe-worthy cornucopia of products: hemp tampons and panties, THC concentrated lubricants to enhance the female orgasm, naturally nonetheless, 12 cannabis skin-care products you will absolutely die if you do not try, marijuana nail polish, and the list goes on and on. 

Ladies, I know some of us are suckers for product design and fast-trends that fade away. What happens is that large corporations are too focused on selling their products by catching the trend wave. It is hard for consumers to look for scientific information and validate a products's claims.  Here at High Science, we women became interested not only in addressing how these products actually work, but mostly on linking the biology of marijuana and its actions to our female bodies and lifestyle. 

Women have a particular hormonal composition different from that of men. This is no surprise considering we get a monthly visitor that shifts our emotions, stress and physical state. We all know our menstrual cycle and the flowing levels of different hormones set us aside from boys. Estrogen is a hormone that plays a key role on our reproductive system and is responsible for the appearance of female physical traits. It is is known as the fertility hormone. It is the epiphany of mother nature. There are hormonal and ovarian changes which explain mood swings, as well as the excruciating ice-cream and chocolate cravings which send our diets out-of-wack. At this phase, ovaries divide and mature. This occurs due to another well-known hormone, the gonadotropin follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Menstrual cycles turn into a common routine and a huge part of our lives. We know when it’s going to get tough, how to get creative and find the right remedies. I have my own routine. Near the end of each month, I go to the store and buy provisions for what is coming ahead. Now, there is a new crop of products out on the market that peak my curiosity involving cannabis. Hemp tampons reportedly eliminate cramps within 20 minutes.
Some gals also opt to smoke pot during their period or turn to concentrated THC oils to alleviate menstrual cycle abdominal pain. We know the endocannabinoid system can be enhanced by marijuana aiding in the regulation of endogenous opioids, chemicals like morphine living inside your own body. When this chemicals flow through your brain they alleviate pain by acting on receptors that molecularly interact with other proteins to eventually produce feelings of relief and loss of sensation.
