Have you ever contemplated whether pills or medical marijuana are best suited to treat different unbalanced emotional states of mind? Have you ever felt gloomy and decided to smoke weed, and out of the blue you feel happy and ready to continue with your day? Marijuana is known as a go to drug to deal with those unwanted emotions thanks to its high, its attenuation of feelings and stressful scenarios. So, at the end of the day we might enjoy a casual hit.

Being this an alternative “go-to-solution” to treat a wide range of behavioral symptoms, it is important for us who self-medicate to understand what is happening in our brain at a neuronal level. The flow of emotional and behavioral changes are generated due to the correlation between the psychologic condition we are trying to stabilize and the THC, the chemically active component of marijuana, in our nervous system.

Recreational marijuana is commonly used as self-medication for conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and many more. Even though lacking FDA approval due to a so-called lack of sustainable research, the reality is many people living with mental health disorders smoke marijuana on a daily basis. This is why I would like to take you on a journey through different mental disorders and explain how THC acts upon each of them. Psyched Out! is a column that hopes to inspire people to decide as individuals whether cannabis is an alternative resource to turn to.

Tune in, sun's out,
